Bianco Piccolo

Sweet & smooth

In stock
Per Capsule:
Bianco Piccolo is available to buy in increments of 10


Soft and smooth, creamy texture, sweet, notes of caramel, nuts and biscuit. Specially crafted for your recipes with milk.
Try it as a Cappuccino (40ml 120ml).
Coffee acifity
Coffee bitterness
Coffee milky taste
Coffee creamy texture

Content & Allergens

10 capsules of roast and ground coffee for the Nespresso system.

Ingredients & Allergens
Roast and ground coffee

Net weight for 10 capsules
62 g

Made in Switzerland

Barista Creations 

Inspired by the creativity and expertise of world’s finest baristas, these coffees are designed to make it easy for you to recreate the full spread of coffee recipes at home.

Barista Creations

Bianco Piccolo

Bianco Piccolo

Designed for shorter milky coffees, this blend of Arabicas gets a medium roast to let the rich roasted notes sing in harmony with a little milk.


For this 100% Arabica blend, we sourced beans from a diversity of origins stretching from China to Colombia, and Brazil to Ethiopia.


This coffee is roasted in two splits. The first split is medium-dark and takes the majority of the coffee. The second split is light to very light and balances out the overall roast, always aiming for the best combination to work well with milk.

Sve naše Vertuo i Original kapsule sada su izrađene od najmanje 80% recikliranog aluminijuma.

Aluminium is the best material to protect the freshness and aromas of your coffee.

Nespresso capsules are recyclable and truly recycled through our recycling program.

The recycled Nespresso capsules are given a second life by creating new items or preparing compost.