What's New ?


Get to know the Nespresso world and find your favourite espresso coffee aroma.

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Get up to 50% off coffee machines with the purchase of capsules!

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Enhance your coffee moment with our wide range of Nespresso accessories.

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Up to 50% discount on coffee machines


Register your machine and add the festive season a bit more magic with a voucher for purchasing Nespresso coffee capsules. 

A new retail store is now open at City Center one East. Welcome!

Nespresso sada još bliže Vama. Posjetite nas na novom prodajnom mjestu u prizemlju City Centera one East. Kupite svoje omiljene kapsule ili isprobajte nove kave iz limitirane serije. Čekamo Vas.


Complimentary tastings

Taste new coffees in a pleasant ambient of our boutiques.


Recycling our capsules is easy, with free bags.


With our simple recipes make your coffee world even more attractive.


We offer a two-year warranty on all machines and milk frothers.

Revolucionarni okus 20 godina u izradi

Pripremite svoja osjetila za jedinstveno iskustvo kave. N°20 sažima Nespressovu 20-godišnju kulminaciju stručnosti.
Razvijen od strane naših stručnjaka za kavu a uzgojilo ga je 59 odabranih kolumbijskih farmera.
Stvorili smo iskustvo koje se doživi jednom u životu.


What Makes Nespresso Different?

We make recycling easy

Recycling Program

Recyclable and truly recycled aluminum capsules

Our Commitment